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Self-Care: 21 Days to Reset Good Habits

Writer's picture: Gina M. OakleyGina M. Oakley

Days 17 and 18: MS Gets on my Nerves (Literally)!

A collective 38 pages later, and we are almost to day 21. I hope you’ve been experiencing your own transformation or intervention journey alongside me, but if you haven’t it’s never too late to start. Sometimes we have to be the ones to kick our own rears into gear instead of waiting for someone else to prompt and push us. Personally, I work best when I have something to remind me snap out of it and get back on track…a slap to my own face, if you will, as if to say, “Get it together, Man!” (Stole that from my mom… thanks, Mom!).

Anyway, this is your reminder to Get it together! I am guilty of having little patience for unmotivated, undriven individuals. I think it’s because it is so difficult for me to comprehend why some people are okay with settling or wasting their talents and time. I hope I can inspire someone to get out there and, cliche alert, “Seize the day!

Which brings me to my first discussion prompt. Share you comments!

How is personal drive obtained? Is it taught, by parents or other influences? Is it something embedded in us at birth? Do we learn it over time? What are your thoughts?

*Become a free Super G member to comment & share


So, this month is, of course, MS awareness month. If you missed my previous March articles, you can find them HERE. I explain basics of MS, what it is, how it feels, that kind of thing. In this article I’d like to share a great video explaining it. The video was released by the National MS Society. Remember, someone in your circle has MS or will have it. It is almost always invisible, so you may not even know a friend, co-worker, or even relative suffers from it. Heck, they may not even know! I didn’t find out until I was in my 30’s!

In a previous article, I included an image showing how the protective coating around Central Nervous System nerves (myelin) is damaged in various spots for people with MS. This video helps explain that and the fact that those areas of damage act as sort of “traffic jams” that cause misfiring in an MS person’s nerves. This is what creates symptoms from MS.

Take a moment to check it out. Like I said, many people with MS are living with invisible symptoms. I am one of those people. My symptoms are invisible. In fact, I appear to be extremely healthy to most. I exercise daily, eat healthy, am fit, and I accomplish a great deal in my life. I do all of it while suffering from my MS symptoms.

MS is only one of many invisible, chronic illnesses, so if you take anything away from my articles, take this: Show grace. You’ve heard it before, and it’s true, that you never know what someone is going through because we can’t always see it. Share kindness be uplifting, be motivational, and show support.

Are you living with MS? Do you know someone living with it? Share your story and inspiration!


Every year millions across the country walk to show support for the people living with MS. Team Super G is walking with other Indiana MSers the weekend of April 15 (you choose your day). We are doing a virtual walk, so you can walk where you are (when you want). It’s free!


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